Boxing Day tsunami claimed more than a million lives. In addition to human impact, it had a devastating effect on the ecosystem and environment of Lanka.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Looking beyond the disaster
Boxing Day tsunami claimed more than a million lives. In addition to human impact, it had a devastating effect on the ecosystem and environment of Lanka.
Importance of Origin
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Survival beyond Kyoto
Nicaragua is feeling the brunt of climate change. It is a country greatly dependent on its farms and plantations, and rightly proud of its immense forest cover. In the past decade or so, however, rising sea levels and change in rainfall patterns have been threatening the country’s agriculture as well as forests – and people’s lives and livelihoods with them. So much so, that global warming is considered a national security issue in Nicaragua.
Around 40% of Nicaragua’s population depends on agriculture for their livelihood. It contributes to about 25% of the GDP. One of the prominent agrarian communities in the country is the rice- growing Miskitos Indian. The Miskitos have traditionally been farming for centuries. They have a reputation for depending on natural harbingers to gauge the weather, and plan their sowings accordingly. That is the practice that they have followed since ancient times and still do today- letting the first sighting of silver fish or blooming of avocados decide step after step. Climate change in recent years, however, has left them completely baffled. The change in the pattern of seasons and sudden bouts of rain, draught and heat- waves that even their reliable harbingers now fail to predict has reduced their annual production drastically. For most of these subsistence farmers, earning a minimum amount and surviving has now become a challenge.
According to Dr. Paul Oquist, President Daniel Ortega’s personal advisor for development policies, Nicaragua has been losing “since 2006… $200 million a year in lost agricultural production due to climate change”.
Coffee is one of the country’s prime exports. It is usually grown at a height of 1,300 metres (m) above sea level in the areas of Nueva Segovia, Jinotega and Matagalpa, where the temperature conditions are ideal. With rising temperatures, however, it appears that entire plantations of coffee will have to be shifted to higher altitudes, from time to time. If the change in location is over a large distance, it might imply migration and space issues. Moreover, there are concerns that if the rate of temperature rise increases, coffee won’t be cultivable on Nicaragua’s not- so- high mountain tops beyond a point. This is another source of worry for the country.
With global warming and climate change already having a direct impact in the country, economically and otherwise, global response- primarily the Kyoto Protocol- has been a major disappointment. Kyoto was a further disillusionment for Nicaragua, adding to the fact that the Green Climate Fund was never translated from paperwork to living reality. The Green Climate Fund was a fund created in 2009, with a $30 billion target, meant to aid underdeveloped countries in their fight against global warming. The money never came forth, and many Central American countries today are convinced that they will have to handle their own share of climate change- issues by themselves, despite having ratified the Kyoto Protocol.
In the case of Nicaragua, a major abettor of global warming in the country is illegal logging, leading to massive deforestation. The Daniel Ortega government has decided to deal with this nuisance head- on, and has found a novel way to do so. It has formed what it calls an “Ecological Battalion”, a veritable green army whose job centres on patrolling the countries forest areas in search of illegal loggers. These “soldiers” are armed not only with basic weaponry to stop logging, but also equipment like shovels, to plant trees in areas already deforested.
Everyone knows that the government’s interest is mainly in securing water for upcoming hydroelectric projects, and not the plight of its poor. Nevertheless, this step is still one of the most direct and impactful ones taken by a government in its fight for the planet. Nicaragua, in this aspect, has much to learn from.
Monday, February 27, 2012
crimes against women in Afghanistanfghanistan
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bullfighting is certainly one of the best-known-although at the same time most controversial-Spanish popular customs. This custom could not exist without the Toro bravo, a species of bull of an ancient race that is only conserved in Spain. Many civilizations valued bull’s forebears as the bull cults on the Greek island of Crete are very well known. The Bible states that a sacrifice of bulls is honour of divine justice. Bullfighting is also practiced in Portugal, South America, South of France, Spain is and always has been the spiritual home of bullfighting. Despite recent protests from animal rights campaigners and changing trends in peoples’ attitudes, bullfighting is still practiced and followed in Spain today.
History of bullfighting in Spain
The history of bullfighting can loosely be tied back to Roman times when men would test their bravery by pitting their skills against wild animals. Bullfighting was established in Spain during the 18th century and since then the art was developed and grew into the national sport of Spain and an integral part of the culture of Spain.
Bullfighting season in Spain
The bullfighting season in Spain begins in February. The start of the bullfighting season in Madrid is timed to coincide with the local religious festival of San Blas. Bullfights are held at rings in cities and towns throughout Spain for the duration of the bullfighting season.Bullfighting in Spain usually occurs on weekends and starts in the early evening. Upon purchasing your ticket you can expect a typical evening of bullfighting in Spain to consist of 6 bullfights, with 6 different bulls. There are 3 bullfighting teams that participate and each team is expected to take on two bulls. The matador is the head of the Spanish bullfighting team and is cheered as he teases the bull with a red cloth. Picadors ride on horseback and their role in the bullfight is to help weaken the bull by lancing them in the neck with spears.
Animal Concern
Bullfighting is criticized by many animal rights activists, referring to it as a cruel or barbarous blood sport, in which the bull suffers severe stress and a slow, torturous death. A number of animal rights or animal welfare activist groups such as Antitauromaquia and Stop Our Shame undertake anti-bullfighting actions in Spain and other countries.
Bullfighting in Spain today
Bullfighting in Spain today is a professional sport like any other. Bullfighters attend bullfighting academies in Spain to develop their bullfighting skills before graduating to become professional bullfighters. Similarly, there are special breeding farms in Spain which specialise in breeding thorough bred fighting bulls which are prized for their threatening physiques. Top bullfighters are considered to be heroes in Spain and command very high fees for their performances.
Monday, February 6, 2012

Bullfighting is certainly one of the best-known-although at the same time most controversial-Spanish popular customs. This custom could not exist without the Toro bravo, a species of bull of an ancient race that is only conserved in Spain. Many civilizations valued bull’s forebears as the bull cults on the Greek island of Crete are very well known. The Bible states that a sacrifice of bulls is honour of divine justice. Bullfighting is also practiced in Portugal, South America, South of France, Spain is and always has been the spiritual home of bullfighting. Despite recent protests from animal rights campaigners and changing trends in peoples’ attitudes, bullfighting is still practiced and followed in Spain today.
History of bullfighting in Spain
The history of bullfighting can loosely be tied back to Roman times when men would test their bravery by pitting their skills against wild animals. Bullfighting was established in Spain during the 18th century and since then the art was developed and grew into the national sport of Spain and an integral part of the culture of Spain.
Bullfighting season in Spain
The bullfighting season in Spain begins in February. The start of the bullfighting season in Madrid is timed to coincide with the local religious festival of San Blas. Bullfights are held at rings in cities and towns throughout Spain for the duration of the bullfighting season.Bullfighting in Spain usually occurs on weekends and starts in the early evening. Upon purchasing your ticket you can expect a typical evening of bullfighting in Spain to consist of 6 bullfights, with 6 different bulls. There are 3 bullfighting teams that participate and each team is expected to take on two bulls. The matador is the head of the Spanish bullfighting team and is cheered as he teases the bull with a red cloth. Picadors ride on horseback and their role in the bullfight is to help weaken the bull by lancing them in the neck with spears.
Animal Concern
Bullfighting is criticized by many animal rights activists, referring to it as a cruel or barbarous blood sport, in which the bull suffers severe stress and a slow, torturous death. A number of animal rights or animal welfare activist groups such as Antitauromaquia and Stop Our Shame undertake anti-bullfighting actions in Spain and other countries.
Bullfighting in Spain today
Bullfighting in Spain today is a professional sport like any other. Bullfighters attend bullfighting academies in Spain to develop their bullfighting skills before graduating to become professional bullfighters. Similarly, there are special breeding farms in Spain which specialise in breeding thorough bred fighting bulls which are prized for their threatening physiques. Top bullfighters are considered to be heroes in Spain and command very high fees for their performances.